Pervasive Parenting
By Kodey Toney
What's Going On
When talking with parents, especially those who are facing a new diagnosis, one of the questions I usually get is, "What resources are available. In fact, in a recent survey held online by the Pervasive Parenting Center, 80 percent of the people asked said that a lack of resources was the biggest obstacle they faced in this area. Fifty percent said the lack of information about existing resources was an issue.
Unfortunately in our neck of the woods the resources are limited, but what I find interesting is that most families, and professionals for that matter, don't know what is out there. There's good news though. There are a few things coming up that can help with that issue.
The Communities of Care is sponsoring the "Be the End" forum Tuesday, June 10, from 5-7 p.m. This event will be held at the Donald W. Reynolds Civic Center in Poteau, and will feature booths from many local and state resources in one place to help families understand what is available.
Groups and organizations including the Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma Family Network, local law enforcement and emergency personnel, KiBois, SmartStart, Pervasive Parenting Center, Grace Cottage, D&D Counseling, Sequel Care, and many more will be there to explain one-on-one what they can offer you and your family.
There are so many great programs out there to help families, and many will be in the same place at the same time. Don't miss this event.
I also want to let you know that the Pervasive Parenting Center has launched its website There is a button titled "links" that will take you to a page full of websites to different resources to help families coping with disabilities.
There are a couple other events coming up that I will discuss in the near future, and I will give some great information I got from the Governor 's Conference on Developmental Disabilities in next week's column.
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